Alpaca data issue

I have similar issue:

using the dates:
start = ‘2019-03-12T09:30:00-04:00’
end = ‘2019-03-12T16:00:00-04:00’
data = api.get_barset(symb, ‘15Min’, start=start, end=end)
the last data point is at 2019-03-12 15:45:00-04:00
Bar({‘c’: 181, ‘h’: 181, ‘l’: 180.53, ‘o’: 180.73, ‘t’: 1552419900, ‘v’: 115393})

Using the same dates:
df = api.polygon.historic_agg_v2(‘AAPL’, 15, ‘minute’, _from=start, to=end).df
I get also price information that is before and after the market trading hours
and the data for the last row is:
open 45.20750
high 45.25000
low 45.20750
close 45.24750
volume 12356.00000
vwap 45.23946
Name: 2019-03-12 19:45:00-04:00

  • Why is does “get_barset” give the wrong data?
  • why “historic_agg_v2” give data the show as if there trading when the market is closed?
  • how to fix those issues?